Election of Council

Notice is given of an election to fill vacancies on the Institution’s Council, in accordance with By-law 43, to take effect from the AGM to be held on Saturday 13 July 2024.

The number of vacancies to be filled is six. Council nominate the following to fill these vacancies: Mr M Lynch, Dr E Pei, Mrs A Penn, Mrs J Roberts, Dr G A Tizzard.

The non-retiring ordinary members of Council will be: Professor K Bond, Mr D T H Castle, Mr T N Channell, Mr D Farrell, Mr J Harrison-Furse, Mr P Jeffries, Mr A T A Keegan, Mr N Phelps, Dr P J Sewell, Mr E Tarrant, Mr I Treacy and Dr B Watson.  The Chair of Council will be Mr R Yuen and the Vice Chair will be Mr S P Vaitkevicius.

Honorary Treasurer will be Mr S J Benfield.

Any three corporate members may nominate any other corporate member for election to Council by delivering such nomination in writing to the Secretary, together with the written consent of such person to accept office if elected.  Nominations must be received by Saturday 18 May 2024.

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