As a registered charity we rely on income from our members to fund our activities – over 80% of our annual income comes from membership subscriptions.

In addition to our day-to-day work of running the Institution, we also have two special funds which exist to help specific sectors of the membership:

  • The Benevolent Fund – this is a fund which is used to help members in times of financial hardship.  The majority of payments from the Fund go to help members who are out of work, between contracts, or long term sick with the cost of their membership subscriptions.  However, some funds are used in special cases such as assisting with costs of adapting access to the home of a member who suffered a stroke and now uses a wheelchair.
  • The Education Fund – as the name suggests, this fund exists to help Student members of the IED with the costs of their education.  It is not designed to cover ongoing or long term costs, but one-off expenses or expenditures, which the Student needs special assistance for.

To donate to either of these funds, simply send a cheque made payable to ‘Institution of Engineering Designers’, add a small donation to your annual subscription reminder, or make a BACS payment to : Lloyds Bank, Sort Code: 30-99-13, Account Number: 00788758.

Thank you to everyone who makes a donation to these funds, we really do appreciate the generosity of our membership.

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