Sustainable Development Policy

The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), frame the agenda for the IED’s work towards sustainability.

The SDGs are a global agenda, adopted by all UN countries in 2015, with a vision of ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Definitions of ‘Sustainable’

  • Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Balancing activities and economic growth with the effects they can have on the environment and the wider community.

These principles can apply to the sustainability of the environment, people and local and worldwide community.


  • To create a working environment where we are conscious of our day-to-day impact on the environment and progressively work to minimise that impact.
  • To raise employee and volunteer awareness of the consequences of our actions, promoting the implementation of positive environmental stewardship initiatives.
  • To invest in staff development, value stakeholder involvement and promote social inclusion and equity.
  • To foster greater understanding of sustainable issues within the membership.
  • To manage the workplace in a sustainable manner with respect to working practices and conditions for employees.
  • To consider the impact of our actions on the local and wider communities in terms of issues such as the environment, fair trade and ethical practices and investment.
  • To foster greater understanding and implementation of sustainability issues and practices within the membership.

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