Under licence from the Society for the Environment, registration is offered for Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) and Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) grades.  These registrations reflect a high level of skill and experience, setting registered environmentalists apart from others working in their field.

All designers have to show regard and respect for the environment and have a great influence on environmental issues through their work, those who specialise in design for the environment, or who take specific responsibility for environmental and sustainability issues within their work should consider registration as REnvP or CEnv, as appropriate.

Chartered Environmentalist - CEnv

A Chartered Environmentalist demonstrates that an individual has been judged by their peers to be working at the highest possible standards in the environmental profession. Chartered Environmentalists must be able to demonstrate high level of theoretical knowledge of sustainability and environmental issues; successful application of this knowledge to lead sustainable management of the environment; effective interpersonal and communication skills; and a personal commitment to maintain professional standards, and to recognise obligations to society, the profession and the environment.

Registered Environmental Practitioner - REnvP

Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) is a professional registration recognising the competence, skills and commitment of professionals working to enhance or protect the environment. An REnvP registrant can work in either a core environmental role or as an environmental specialist in a related role