The IED offers registration in four broad streams, each with different grades of registrations aimed at different levels of experience and disciplines within each stream. Each registration is linked to competencies and attributes relevant to the field and level, but all revolves around six overarching tenets.
Six Themes of Professional Registration
Concern for the real needs and wishes of the marketplace, encompassing market satisfaction and social responsibility.
Creative competence, leading to the ability to innovate in a competitive arena to bring high value added products to the market.
Technical competence, shown by an understanding of the laws of physics, of materials and their properties and the relevant manufacturing and assembly processes.
An enquiring mind that will seek novel methods to satisfy customer requirements and expand the number and variety of design solutions.
A confident and inspired approach to design, including the ability to deploy the latest market review systems, generate relevant solutions, select the optimum solution and detail it, or subcontract such work in a professional matter.
The ability to communicate and receive communications by the most suitable medium, to depict whole or partial solutions, to conduct negotiations with specialist and non- specialists.
Professional Registration options with the IED

Engineering Design
The Institution is a licensed body of the Engineering Council, able to award professional registration at Chartered, Incorporated and Engineering Technician levels to suitably qualified and experienced members.

Technological Product Design
Under our own Charter granted by the Privy Council we are able to exclusively award Chartered and Registered titles to suitably qualified Technological Product Design professionals.

Environmental Design
The Institution is a licensed body of the Society for the Environment, able to award Chartered Environmentalist to our suitably qualified and experienced members.

Computer Aided Design
Our exclusive registration of Registered CAD Manager and Registered CAD Practitioner are available to our members working in Computer Aided Design.